Diabetes Diet

One of the most effective ways of dealing with diabetes is by following the diabetes diet.

Are you looking for an effective way of managing your diabetes through diet and nutrition?

When you are looking for a natural and straightforward way to control your diabetes symptoms it is worth considering following the diabetes diet. The diabetes diet is no more than following what our ancient human ancestors used to eat. We evolved our large human brains by developing hunting skills and eating a diet high in saturated fat and animal protein. It is only through corporate and media propaganda that humans have turned to high carbohydrate diets and that is exactly what is causing disease such as diabetes type 2.

Arguably the best way to stay healthy is by eating five or six small meals of animal protein, fat and low carbohydrate vegetables. Fruits, nuts and eggs are also good quality sources of nutrients for diabetics and should regularly be incorporated into your snacks. Conversely foods high in sugar and carbohydrate make huge demands on the pancreas for insulin. Whether you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes this will mean an increased demand for insulin and thus more work for the liver. By avoiding high carbohydrate foods and sugars and maintaining blood sugars through the consumption of animal fat and protein, as recommended in the diabetes diet, you can reduce the symptoms of diabetes.

See a qualified nutrition coach and you will find that by combining a low-carbohydrate diabetes diet with a good exercise programme, alongside your medical regimen, your body will more easily maintain a desirable blood sugar level.