Diabetes Symptoms

The symptoms of both type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes can be life changing.

Are you looking for information about the symptoms of diabetes and how to handle them?

Early signs of diabetes can show up as excessive thirst and frequent passing of clear urine, getting grumpy, sleepy or light-headed mid-morning or mid-afternoon, cravings for sweet foods and putting on weight easily. As the disorder progresses your diabetes symptoms may include black-outs or fainting, neuropathy or nerve pain in the limbs. Kidney failure and coma are symptoms of diabetes at an advanced stage. It is essential that you see a qualified health practitioner to receive a proper diagnosis of your diabetes symptoms.

There are several approaches to dealing with symptoms of diabetes which include medical treatment with drugs to reduce frequency of urination and injections of insulin to control blood sugar levels. Then there are natural treatments for diabetes symptoms that include dietary considerations to restore nutrient balance, reduce the demands on the pancreas to produce insulin and exercise to increase muscle mass, which helps burn excess glucose. There are also mineral supplements like chromium and herbs such as cinnamon that have been proven to assist with glucose metabolism.

Whether you use medical treatments or natural lifestyle changes to control your symptoms of diabetes, or even a combination of both, it is really important to get good advice from someone qualified to treat diabetes symptoms.