Diabetes Type 2

Diabetes type 2 is still more common amongst adults but it is becoming an increasing concern for teenagers and younger children.

Are you looking for information about diabetes type 2 and how to treat it?

Showing early symptoms of diabetes type 2 is often referred to as Syndrome X. During this time people often notice they are feeling tired or dopey in the late morning or mid-afternoon. They often find that eating a cookie or muffin will relieve the symptoms for a while, but the tiredness soon returns. This is because the pancreas has had too many demands made of it and it is unable to keep up the production of insulin to process all the sugars in the digestive system. Without a significant change in diet and lifestyle Syndrome X soon becomes Diabetes Type 2. This is a devastating condition unless the victim takes the necessary steps to control their symptoms.

Treatment of diabetes type 2 can be through medical drugs and insulin or you may prefer to incorporate a series of natural treatments that include diet and lifestyle adjustments. Mineral supplements such as chromium and herbs such as cinnamon have been shown to improve glucose metabolism. Whichever method you choose to treat your diabetes type 2 condition, you will need the advice of a qualified professional.