Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is more commonly diagnosed in adults but increasingly young children and teens are falling victim to type 2 diabetes.

Are you looking for information about type 2 diabetes and how to handle the symptoms?

The good news for people who have been diagnosed with Syndrome X or early symptoms of type 2 diabetes is that the disease is totally preventable. It is generally caused by an overload on the pancreas from a diet loaded with carbohydrates.

Unfortunately it is the typical western lifestyle and diet that contribute to type 2 diabetes. All it needs is for victims of Syndrome X and early onset type 2 diabetes to adjust their lifestyle and dietary habits for their symptoms to be alleviated. A low carbohydrate diet that includes frequent small meals and a lifestyle with reduced work and emotional stresses, and an emphasis on regular, good quality exercise, are recommended.

Even when you have been diagnosed with full-blown type 2 diabetes it is not too late to help yourself. Again, reducing carbohydrate intake and increasing protein and good quality fat, that includes animal fat, dairy fat and eggs, will immediately help. Incorporated with a well-managed exercise regime this will reduce your body fat and increase muscle mass, enabling your body to deal better with the carbs you eat.

Finding a recommended exercise coach and health counsellor is a great way to start improving your quality of life if you are suffering from type 2 diabetes.